Mental Health Awareness Week Fundraiser Oct 2

Join us Sat. Oct 2 at the Chico Masonic Family Center in celebration of Mental Health Awareness Week and hear our guest speaker Zack McDermott.

As beautifully told in his book, “Gorilla and the Bird: A Memoir of Madness and a Mother’s Love” former attorney Zack McDermott relied on his mother’s unconditional support while winning his way back to stability:

“Bipolar Disorder is the best thing that ever happened to me. By sharing my experience I’ve been able to hear the experiences of so many others who have a mental illness or have a loved one who has a mental illness. I’d like to share my story with you. I will also discuss some practical issues, such as tips if a loved one finds themselves in a mental health crisis. Lastly, I will share my message of accepting yourself and hope.” – Zack McDermott

We will be raffling off ten copies of Zack’s book “Gorilla and the Bird” at this event as well as additional door prizes.

There will be refreshments and you can browse the resource tables for a variety of information.

$25 suggested donation. Donate below online and bring receipt on day of event.

You can also donate at Christian & Johnson Diamond W Western Wear and the NAMI office – ticket will be at the reservation table on the day of the event. You can also donate at the door.

All Proceeds to Benefit NAMI Butte County (National Alliance on Mental Illness).


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